Daily Excercises for baic frontend
Day 1: Weather App
Day 2: TODO App
Day 3: Quiz App
Day 4: Random Password Generator
Day 5: Log in | Register Page
Day 6: Responsive Image Gallery
Day 7: Popup window
Day 8: Testimonial Slider
Day 9: Animated Search Bar
Day 10: Animated Card
Day 11: Basic Calculator
Day 12: Dictionary App
Day 13: Analog Clock
Day 14: Simple Form Validation
Day 15: Simple Contact Form
Day 16: Tab with slide indicator
Day 17: Pagination
Day 18: QR Generator
Day 19: Music Player
Day 20: Accordion
Day 21: Note App
Day 22: Tip Calculator
Day 23: Background Image Scroll Effect
Day 24: Password field with hide and show
Day 26: Dragable Bottom Sheet Modal